Boston for the Dogs

Practice in the Park (PitP) 2024
with Hannalore

December 28 (Saturday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

Blue Hills Reservation( Houghton's Pond Parking Lot B)

Practice in the Park (PitP)

Welcome to Practice in the Park, a class where we train around real-world distractions so we can DO MORE WITH OUR DOGS! This class includes structured pack walks where we work on being around other dogs, distractions, durations, real-world obedience, and general good manners. We also work on leash skills, practicing obedience, proofing behaviors, and sharpening our Canine Good Citizen skills. 

We have dogs with a variety of backgrounds and behavioral issues, and this is a safe place for us to work through our dogs (and our) individual needs with the support of people that "get it!"

Every class is a little different; some are more structured, sometimes we pack walk, sometimes we have lots of new dogs, and our long-term clients and dogs have an opportunity to work on the skills they have been practicing. There is something for everyone, and we have a lot of fun!

Class Supplies:
  • Water for you and your dog
  • Water bowl
  • High-value treats or your dog's meal
  • 1:1 Training Lesson with BFTD
Class Rules:
  • No on-leash greeting before, during, or after class unless approved by the trainer. You will be asked to leave if you do not follow this rule. 
  • Treat every dog you meet like an aggressive dog. Better safe than sorry!
  • Please bring dog treats, a great attitude, and an open mind!
Please note we need a minimum of 5 dogs for the class to run. If a class is unable to run, clients will be notified 24 hours prior to class start. 

Please refer to the BFTD Client Handbook for details on our class cancellation and weather policies.

Weather cancelation may be last minute and will be posted on Facebook as well as an email, so please be sure to check your emails prior to coming to class. 


You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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